5 Of My Favourite Destinations In Australia

I made a TikTok about my favourite destinations in Australia and everyone thought it was too boring! Well…TOO BAD! These are the destinations I ENJOYED. You’re allowed to like other destinations.

Anyway, if you hate TikTok, here’s a transcript of that video of my favourite destinations in Australia, in no particular order.


Of course Tassie is on this list - why wouldn’t Tassie be on this list?? There’s honestly so much to do and see in Tasmania, you need a good chunk of time to do it all - highly recommend just hiring a car and driving around.

The scenery if beautiful, the food is delicious and everyone is so nice! I’ve seriously considered moving to Tassie many, many times.

There's so many cool little spot, so many nice. The scenery is beautiful. I've seriously considered moving to Tasi many, many times. 

The Kimberley

It's the Kimberly, not the Kimberlies. Look it up. Seriously, if you have been putting off a trip to the Kimberly, ‘cause it's something you wanna do when you're retired, I seriously urge you to reconsider that and head over there, stat.

She’s gorgeous, she’s absolutely unreal. So, um, yeah, highly recommend.

While we're still talking about WA, I think Perth is really underrated. There's some great food there, there's great stuff to do. Fremantle’s really awesome, there are so many cool little galleries and fun stuff around!


Melbourne is forever going to be my favorite Australian city (and it’s not just ‘cause I lived there for three years!!!).

There’s soooo much stuff to do in Melbourne - you’ve got the Great Ocean Road, you’ve got country Victoria, you’ve got an endless array of things you can do in the city. Endlessly entertaining and just such a fun city. Love, love, love.

TNQ, Gold Coast, etc.

Definitely recommend Tropical North Queensland just for the hikes, the Daintree and the Great Barrier Reef. But if we're talking Queensland, the Gold Coast is still one of my favorite spots of all time, and it's not ‘cause I live here.

If you're in Queensland and you haven't been to the Gold Coast, come visit!

Alsoooo, a shout out to the Northern Rivers region. I also lived there for quite a little bit, and yeah, it is a stunning region. Anything south of the Gold Coast is also really beautiful, especially the hinterlands. Definitely recommend.

South Coast & Northern Rivers NSW

Okay, we all know Sydney is cool and beautiful and whatever, but I think the South Coast & Northern Rivers in NSW are way more interesting.

Jervis Bay, Batemans Bay…and then further north, the Northern Rivers! I love the Northern Rivers region, it’s a great region to visit and an even cooler place to live!

Lots of cool hikes, ridiculously beautiful scenery, fun beaches…the list goes on.


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